About the Academy of Osseointegration

About the Academy of Osseointegration

The Academy of Osseointegration is a multi-disciplinary, international dental implant organization that exists to bring together individuals of different backgrounds in order to share experience and knowledge regarding dental implants. Academy members share the common goal  of moving the field of osseointergated implants forward through clinical and evidence-based research and education.

One of the strenghs of the Academy of Osseointegration is our diversity, with approximately 6,000 members from 73 countries.


Following the introduction of osseointegration to North America in 1982, agroup of dental clinicians from the Greater New York area participated in a course entitled “Osseointegration in Clinical Dentistry”.  Subsequently, the group formed a study club to share research and information. This local study club eventually concluded that a national organization was essential to foster education and advenment in this field. As a result, the Academy of Osseointegration was formed.

The first Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration was held in April 1986, in Chicago, Illinois. A Pro-Tem Executive Board was elected to include representatives from oral surgery, periodontics, prosthodontics and generral practice. The Academy was incorporated in 1987.

Elected officers and directors-at-large comprise the Board of Directors, which sets the Academy’s direction and oversess its administration. Polices and ongoing activities are influenced by the Academy’s standing ang ad hoc commitees. Day-to-day operations are conducted by the Academy’ professional staff.

The Academy of Osseointegration’s dedication to the highest standars in patientcare, research and education remain the reason so many professionals have made the decision to ally themselves with this leading organization.


The Academy of Osseointegration is organized and operated exclusively for scientific, charitable and educational purposes to advance the art and science of osseointegration. The organization acts to disseminate information and promote developments in the filed of osseointergration among dentists, physicians, related professionals and the public.

Professionals from all of the specialties, general practitioners, laboratory technicans and research scientist come together in a learning experience that proviedes a refreshing opportunity for an interralated, interdisciplinary approach.

Membership in the Academy of Osseointergration provides a variety of valuable benefits.

These benefits include…

–         Subscription to the Academy’s official journal the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, for the lastest scientific information important to your practises;

–         Quarterly newsletter covering the Academy’s plans and activities, Academy News;

–         Annual Membership Directory,containing names, addresses and email ofall members ;

–         Personalized membership certificate suitable for framing  and displayin your office;

–         Periodic mailings with meeting information, membership updates and new issues of patient education brochures;

–         Significantly reduced registration fee for the Annual Meeting;

–         Discounted rate for the Annual Meeting highlights o DVD-ROM;

–         Lowest subcription rate to Clinial Oral Implants Research, another premier dental implant journal;

–         Lowest subcription rate to QDT: Quintessence f Dental Technology;

–         Access to the “Members Only” areas of the Academy’s web site;

–         Discounts on patient education brochures;

–         The opportunity to develop productive relationships with world-renowed colleagues.

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